Medical Cosmetic Center
The Medical Cosmetics Center was established in 2015 with three main sections: Dermatology, Cosmetic Dermatology and Surgery, and Plastic Surgery. The department comprises a team of experienced medical staff from well-known domestic public hospitals, including Peking Union Medical College, Tongren Hospital, and Beijing Children’s Hospital, as well as those with overseas medical backgrounds. The department is committed to customer-centric care, providing evidence-based diagnosis and treatment.
Medical Cosmetic Services
- Photoelectric medical aesthetics treatments
- Injection micro-plasticky
- Mesotherapy
- Pigment treatment
- Scar treatment
- Body contouring
- Various burn and scar treatments
- Oculoplastic, rhinoplasty, and otoplasty surgeries
- Body sculpting
- Breast plastic surgery
- Autologous fat transfer
- Intimate plastic surgery
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