- Integrity is paramount in life, and medical ethics should be the first priority in practice.
- Myopia prevention and control
- Diagnosis and treatment of visual fatigue, dry eye syndrome, ocular surface diseases, strabismus, and amblyopia
- Orthokeratology (OK) lens fitting
- Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lens fitting
Education Background:
- Graduated from the Capital Medical University, receiving a bachelor’s degree in 1998
- Completed a fellowship in Refractive Optometry at Wenzhou Eye Hospital in 2011
- Joined the British Contact Lens Association in 2023
Work Experience:
- Worked in the Ophthalmology Department of Beijing No. 6 Hospital for nearly five years
- Worked at Beijing Aier Intech Eye Hospital for over 10 years
- Joined the Ophthalmology Department of Beijing United Family Hospital in 2013
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