Raymond XU






(中文) 儿科




Dr. Raymond Xu received his medical degree from the Norman Bethune Medical College in Changchun, China. He then completed his residency in Pediatrics at Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMC).

Dr. Xu was also the pediatric resident in the emergency room of Beijing Children’s Hospital. He received training in ultrasound and cardiorespiratory disease at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing as well as in pediatric cardiovascular disease at Beijing’s Anzhen Hospital. He worked in the Pediatric Department at PUMC as attending physician from 1990 to 1993, where his duties included the local and foreign pediatric wards, outpatient departments, emergency rooms, and NICUs. Dr. Xu is licensed in Australia and became an NICU resident for two years and a visiting doctor in the Pediatric Department at the Monash Medical Center in Melbourne, Australia.

In 1996, Dr. Xu returned to PUMC to resume his duties as the attending physician in the Pediatric Department. He then went on to become the head of Pediatrics at BJU in 1997 for four years. Before returning to BJU in 2008, he worked as the head of the Pediatric Department and as the medical director of Beijing Vista Clinic for five years. He then worked at the Deheng Clinic for one year and then took up those titles at the Bayley and Jackson Medical Center for one year.

Dr. Xu has over 25 years of experience in general pediatrics and the NICU, including all facets of the pediatric ward, outpatient service, and emergency medicine. He can manage both routine and complicated cases, including heart disease and congenital genetic disease. In addition, he has mastered the techniques involved with neonatal intensive care, including X-rays, CT scan, ultrasound scan diagnosis, and NICU patient management, as well as evacuation by ambulance or aircraft. He has also published many papers and articles in leading medical journals.

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