Guarding the health of every pair of eyes with dedication and professionalism
- Diagnosis and treatment of common ophthalmic diseases
- Pediatric ophthalmology, particularly the management of ametropia, strabismus, amblyopia, keratoconjunctivitis, trichiasis, and lacrimal duct obstruction
- Myopia prevention and control in children and adolescents
- Comprehensive eye health screening for children
- Diagnosis and treatment of dry eye syndrome
Education Background:
- Graduated from Harbin Medical University in 2012
- Earned a master’s degree in Ophthalmology from Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, in 2015
- Completed doctoral research in Ophthalmology at the University of Lübeck in Germany with funding from the Chinese Government Scholarship Council and obtained an MD in Ophthalmology from 2015 to 2018
Work Experience:
- Completed residency training at Beijing Tongren Hospital and Beijing Children’s Hospital, specializes in routine ophthalmic assessment and management
- Worked for many years in the Ophthalmology Department of Beijing Children’s Hospital, gaining extensive clinical experience in pediatric ophthalmology
Academic Achievements:
- Published multiple academic articles in national and international medical journals
- Contributed to the edition and translation of four ophthalmology-related monographs
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