Yu ZHEN![](https://old.ufh.com.cn/wp-content/themes/basic/img/flags/cn.png)
Anesthesiologist, Associate Chief Physician
Message to Patients:
- If invasive diagnosis and treatment are likened to taking a flight, anesthesiologists are there to ensure your safe takeoff and landing, providing you with a worry-free journey throughout.
- Obstetric anesthesia and labor analgesia
- Pediatric anesthesia
- Anesthesia for surgical procedures in various surgical subspecialties and invasive operations
- Anesthesia for complex surgeries and critically ill elderly patients
- Procedural sedation
Education Background:
- Bachelor’s degree of in Clinical Medicine, Capital Medical University
- MMed in Anesthesiology, Capital Medical University
- Doctoral research and clinical visitation at Harvard Medical School & Massachusetts General Hospital (USA)
- MD in Anesthesiology, Capital Medical University
Work Experience:
- Worked in the Department of Anesthesiology at Beijing Friendship Hospital for 15 years
- Joined Beijing United Family Hospital in 2016
Academic Achievements:
- Principal investigator and completed project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
- Principal investigator and completed project under the Beijing Outstanding Talents Science and Technology Project
- Recognized as a Beijing Science and Technology Star, and completed Science and Technology Star project
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