David WEI
Anesthesiologist, Associate Chief Physician
Message to Patients:
- With superb medical skills as the blade, I break through the cocoon of illness and pain; with a benevolent heart as the feather, I protect patients as they fall asleep.
- Perioperative pain management for pediatric surgeries
- Surgical anesthesia for critically ill patients
- Perioperative airway management for patients with difficultly breathing
- Comfortable treatment for cosmetic surgeries
Education Background:
- Graduated from the Clinical Medicine Program (seven – year system) at Capital Medical University in 2004
- Obtained a master’s degree in 2004 and a doctor’s degree in 2016 respectively
- Served as a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2010
Work Experience:
- Worked in the Department of Anesthesiology at Beijing Friendship Hospital for 18 years
- Joined the Department of Anesthesiology at Beijing United Family Women’s & Children’s Hospital in 2022
Academic Achievements:
- Published over 20 papers in Chinese core – journals
- Published 3 SCI – indexed papers
- Obtained 4 personal patents
- Authored the “Airway Management” chapter in several national anesthesiology monographs and textbooks
Honors, Awards, and Professional Memberships:
- Member, Anesthesiology Branch of the Beijing Non-public Medical Institutions Association
- Member, Airway Group of the Anesthesiology Branch of the Beijing Medical Association
- Youth member, First Aid and Resuscitation Branch of the Chinese Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiology
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