Xiaokui LI![](https://old.ufh.com.cn/wp-content/themes/basic/img/flags/cn.png)
Chair of Anesthesiology, Beijing United Family Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Chief Physician
Message to Patients:
- Physician should always be accountable
- Anesthesia for OBGYN (critical case management, and labor pain control)
- Anesthesia for pediatric surgery
- Peri-operative pain control
Education Background:
- M.D degree from Duisburg-Essen University (Germany)
- Medical bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Capital Medical University, Beijing
- Trained at the Mayo Clinic, CHOP, and Northwestern Medical Center (US) and Queen Mary’s Hospital (HK)
Work Experience:
- Served as Vice Department Chair at Beijing Tongren Hospital for over 20 years
- Associate professor and master ’s supervisor in Capital Medical University
Academic Achievements:
- Published over 30 papers in both Chinese and English
- Co-authored six professional monographs
- Recipient of First Prize in Science and Technology Progress from the Ministry of Education
- Received funding grant for outstanding talents from Beijing
- Received two grants from Capital Medical University President’s Fund
Honors, Awards, and Professional Memberships:
- Standing Committee Member, Anesthesiology Professional Committee of the Non-public Medical Institutions Association of China
- Vice Chairman, Anesthesiology Professional Committee of the Beijing Non-public Medical Institutions Association
- Director, Anesthesiologist Sub-branch of the Beijing Medical Association
- Member, Pediatrics Group of the Anesthesiology Professional Committee of the Beijing Medical Association
- Expert, Anesthesia Quality Control Committee of Chaoyang District, Beijing
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