Fengying WANG


Chair of the Obstetrics Department, Chief Physician




(中文) 产科




  1. Fengying Wang graduated from Capital Medical University, School of Medicine, in 1983. She is the Chair of the Obstetrics Department of Beijing Xuanwu Hospita

Dr. Wang specializes in the diagnosing and treating various conditions, such as high-risk pregnancy, pregnancy complications, gestational diabetes, and intrauterine growth restriction. She also has rich clinical experience in pregnancy nutrition management, treatment of gestational diabetes, high-risk pregnancy, and obstetric emergency care.

Dr. Wang has over 40 years of clinical experience. She has conducted significant research on early diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders during pregnancy, reproductive tract infection during pregnancy, epidural analgesia, and reducing of the overall cesarean section rate. In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Wang has clinical lead clinical education and academic roles.

In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Wang is actively engaged in clinical research and teaching and the training of resident doctors. She has also led more than 10 provincial-level clinical research projects and published over 50 research papers in prominent medical journals, including 6 SCI papers.

Dr. Wang serves as the Board Member or Committee Chair in several prominent committees in the obstetrics field. She is also one of the key physicians for pregnant women’s emergency care in Beijing.

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